

My parkour-able cat has managed to sprain his leg doing extreme things. For the past few days he's been hiding in various closets, lying on soft things. Usually I catch him sleeping on a messy pile of paper, books, plastic, or all three. If not those, then freshly folded laundry. He'll be lying about for a while longer while his swollen leg heals. No need to worry (lol: internet folk worrying about strangers), he's a tough little bastard. He's also suddenly very loud and demanding because of his leg. Regardless, he's not going outside for a while, and we moved his litter upstairs so he doesn't have to make a journey to poop.

With the cat out of the way, I can now talk about how much I fuggin hate the designers of the sing-along icons in Kingdom Hearts 2. What the hell were they thinking when they used a pink design of Ariel with a pink background? "MUAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!" Or something like that, right? I'm talking about the "Under the Sea" part, not the other ones. Those were fine. While I'm hating on the game, I may as well say that I was completely stoked for the PotC world. Completely... until I heard them talk. They weren't outright bad (well, some were), but I felt like the voice actors were stapled on after the companies couldn't get the real deals. I did like the attempt of Mushu's voice actor to replicate Eddy Murphy. It wasn't spot on (in fact it was so obviously an impression), but it was good.

I am so glad I did that before going into the thousand head bash in Hollow Bastion. That was just the best stress relief I have ever had. By the way, I restarted "Under the Sea" a lot so I could get excellent in everything. In the end I just left it and got mostly excellent, some good, and one bad (AUGH). So now I'm basically at "Part 2" of the game where everything has just gotten tougher (lol). I really do love the game so far.

When Goofy was knocked out cold, I had a hard time believing he died, yet I didn't entirely disbelieve it. I was expecting him to get up ten seconds later and say "GWARSH! That hurt!" But no, he just lied there, perfectly still. I didn't start thinking he was dead until everyone got angry, Mickey took off his robe all serious-like, and the remaining group took off into battle. Fuggin YES! Of course, after killing a thousand pansy-arsed Hollows--I mean Heartless, Goofy shows up and is all like "LOL" until Donald breaks his knee-cap with his staff. Well, I wish it broke.

I'm just going to make a smoooooooooth transition into art:

Benjamin Zhang Bin is an awesome artist. My favourite picture of his is rather strange... It's not something you'd show in class or at work, but it's quite admirable in my book. It's called Pathfinder. If you can't see it, or press the link: It's a picture of a girl sitting on a toilet, staring at you. It's not just that, however: it's like the girl is glowing, like one of those girls you see and instantly fall in love with. The look she gives you... I'm not enough of a wordsmith to describe it, but it's basically deep, yet uncaring. I'd almost say suave.

Earlier today, Bugworlds was talking about one of his pieces of work: Red Panda (dA). I had actually never heard of them... Regardless, it reminded me of one of my past inspirations: Tanuki. Oh, and if you didn't know anything about them before, then look them up. FYI there is a man getting tea-bagged by massive balls on the other end of that link. Anyway, so yeah, I was remembering what inspired my own goblin creations. I just call them that because they're mischief makers, not because they have green skin. They're actually closer to the goblins in Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland (orginal comic). I'm not going to describe them any more than that since it's very easy to take and call your own.

Gawd, it's been so long since I've even thought about those goblins. Same goes for Cheshire, Topsy, and the Barkers. Oh, and Shirley. Dayum, I need to start writing them out again. I suppose Miss K is to blame for my sudden memory. I suppose I should thank her... in person. Texts are so impersonal sometimes.

Having said that, I have reminded myself of a personal pet-peeve: I cannot remember everything. Yeah, it's a fact of life, but I wish I could remember the little ideas I have that suddenly vanish before I can get them down on paper/email.

That was everything for today, I believe.

The weekend was pretty dang good, having spent roughly 24 hours with Miss K and the Long Nile just playing games. I couldn't let them play KH2 because I hadn't beaten it yet, and at least one of them wanted to skip scenes I hadn't witnessed. I totally panicked, but we were quick to play (and beat) Shadow of the Colossus on hard difficulty. I don't remember if I faced the second-last colussus or if it was Nigel... I hope it was me, because I always had a hard time with that one. Miss K covers that more easily than I in her blog. At times I think I need to get one of those new systems (I do have a Wii, but... lolwii).

The mum thought to collect three sodas for the game night, since, well... "All kids like pop." Not a drop was drunk in that time. I now must drink it all myself, but I shall do so with a wine glass.

'Kay, done.


lololololololololololololololololololololol adorable

Yes it's stupid, but it's also adorable and the comments are funny.



"oh god that was the worst thing i have ever seen in my life.... sudenly CJ Dippa from Americas got talent dosent look to bad -__-"

"this whole channel is screaming exploitation ಠ_ಠ" <-- favourite face so far

"this is so generic...

a bunch of white people and then just add 1 or 2 black people in there to look all 'diverse'.

Never any Asians though...

mostly on commercials though."

"i feel like a pedo watching this lol" (wtf?)

I had more fun reading the comments actually... so just watch the quick video, then have fun watching them argue or... go all pedorast... teh fug...


  1. Aww, poor parkour-cat :c I hope he gets better soon, because it was sad to see him limp around the house D8

    Ah, I almost hated the Atlantica world because of the singing sequences. I tried to get all of them all excellent.. But then I got extremely irritated with the songs and never went back to that place until I was forced to.

    haha and truth be told, I wasn't too heartbroken over the 'death' of Goofy. I was more sad when I had to kill Demyx, the Nobody. He made me laugh.

    And man..That Pathfinder picture is amazing, I really love the style. I wish I could pump something out like that :c

    Oh, and your welcome :P

  2. Thanks for the link ^__^ I enjoy being mentioned in other people's writing. I hope your parkour cat gets better soon so it may get back to the adventures that all cats should have. Hmm.. now that I think of it the only parkour that I can relate to a cat would be a cat leap of which I don't think a cat would be able to do, though I've still seem some amazingly agile cats.

    Parkour makes my life. It also makes for the wins.

    I have decided that Red Pandas may be one of my favorite animals, just for how adorable they are. I think I should put more thought into favorites than that.. but it seems to fit in there well. It will go somewhere between velociraptors and cats.

    As for your lack of ability to remember everything; this hits me very often also. I go to write something down, or type it, and as I am about to start will have no thought to what it was I wanted to share with the world. If I debate over it long enough I'll remember but I find once I get an idea to put onto my blog it sits in my mind for a day or two and festers a bit. Festers in a good way that is. By the time I actually share my thoughts with the world I've probably added onto it more than I would if I wrote it out right away, even if it isn't in conscious thought often. Something that should be considered regarding forgetting stuff, maybe what you remember is more important than what you forget? If you can't remember something it may of not been of much importance. I may be wrong though, but you could always carry around a note book. I've debated doing this several times but never gotten to it.
