
Unimportant Stuff

About the Logo: It's a parody of Picasso's Dog. I find inspiration in the original piece along with my own. Unfortunately, I lost my original copy and I only have the online copies.

While reading through a few Asian tales, I found myself thinking of their music. Mind you, I wasn't being profound about it. I looked up a few (starting with orchestras) and wound up finding two singers that I now adore.

Yu Yar (尤雅) and Tracy Tsui (崔苔菁) are their names. Well, I don't know about their English names, but their Chinese names are correct. That is, unless, I've completely misread them as Chinese when they are in fact not (but I'm pretty certain they are, though I don't know which form).

I need to either find their music in a store or download it all. If I had a sliver of a chance to find it in a Canadian store, I'd probably go out and buy it. Knowing how record stores work in my area, that's nearly impossible. As for downloading, I've no idea where to start. I've looked at a few trusted places, but no such luck. It's gonna bug me that I can't find their discographies (or even a single song).

Hey... YOU! Yeah, you! Help a buddy out, won't you? Help me find these two singers' music!

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