
YU+ME Dream And dreams...

For the past week or so, I've been reading YU+ME Dream in fragments. I've currently gotten to page 443 at the moment I am typing this.

I must say that this is a powerful internet comic. It has moments of cuteness, sadness, stress, hatred, happiness, and intimacy. This, to me, is one of those comics that really touches you when you read it. You just have to give it a chance. By the way: page 443 requires the music underneath the comic. It makes the whole experience so much more... more... perfect.

Yeah, so I am in love with this story so far. I don't want it to end, but it has officially ended. Luckily I'm not at the ending just yet. There are still more chapters to read. HUNDREDS OF PAGES! YEAH!


I am roleplaying again on an old play-by-post forum I used to frequent. I may not be doing much, but I am writing. I haven't really done much of that for a long time. Not since last year. It's a good exercise, although my characters have always been hard to RP (roleplay) with.

I've never been one for conventional characters. People almost always go for normality or cartoon insanity. I go for the weird and different. When I play some characters... people generally don't know how to respond. It's not that I'm bad (I'm sure I'm good), but I play with nonsense while they rely on sense. It's like a sandwich talking to a lemon. Hmm... that sounds like quite the party to be honest.


As for what I've been doing this past little while: nothing of importance to you internet folk. (:


So I had this up for a while in my drafts. YU+ME Dream is finished. There are around 800 pages to read. It was satisfied with the ending. At times, I wondered "are they going for good or bad?" and I was content with the answer. Usually a comic leaves me wanting, but this one? No. I truly am satisfied with the ending.

I must commend the author of it for her hard work. She really planned it out. Her artwork may have been weak in the first few issues, but it developed so damn well.

Someone told me it takes a thousand drawings to improve. I disagree. It takes at most 100.


  1. I really do have to give this comic a go sometime. But first : Internet!
    That and study for my L test because I'm going to do it this Friday! YEAH!
    But I'm glad the ending was good, because the thought of completely ending a series always has be scared. Which explains me not reading the rest of Eyeshield 21.
    And listening to a track while reading? It's even provided to listen to? hmm, that's a different thing.
    It's cool that you started RPing again, because whatever gets you writing again or doing something that you like is always good in my books. I hope you're able to find some good RP buddies that you find they can write well in response to your characters

    Moe moe kyun

  2. I use to RP on the Neopets forums, that was a long time ago. I enjoyed it, I'm not sure what ever happened to it. I found it was a great way to do improve style writing, and looking back on it after everyone else got bored (which happened on the neopets forums always) I was really impresed with what I had writen (probobly not all that great now but at the time it was good).

    I think a happy medium is needed. 550 drawings are needed to see improvment. I really don't know where the definitive line would be, but I think it could be 100 or 1000. It depends on how often you draw, how much work you put into it, how much work you put into improving compaired to just drawing to get your 1000 drawings done.
